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2022, The Year in FSA

2022, The Year in FSA

December 15, 2022

It was a busy year for the FSA with lots to unpack. We’ve assembled financial and labour relations years in review, yet our union was active on a number of other fronts. In what follows, Member Engagement Officer Matt Greaves tries his best to recount the year in FSA news, with apologies for any items he’s missed.

It was a difficult start to 2022 for workers in BC post-secondary institutions. Efforts to strengthen safety provisions for the return to campus, including FSA members,  were hampered by a lack of provincial support for things like improved ventilation or N95 masks. In a letter to Provincial Health officer Bonnie Henry, we were blunt in our assessment.

Health concerns and policy also marked the second month of 2022.

March brought a number of staffing changes to the FSA.

The first part of a new year is election season at the FSA, with campaigns for Board President and Vice-President this year.

Late spring and summer
The summer semester saw a few notable events for the FSA, including changes in the provincial bargaining landscape and on our Board.

Following a relatively light news season in the summer months, the autumn return to campus brought with it a flurry of notable Union activity.

October provided the first chance since 2019 for our members to gather at a General Meeting.


As the year winds down, a number of labour struggles in post-secondary (and elsewhere) bear fruit, including for workers at Dalhousie, McMaster, and Western, with workers at McGill and UBC forming and joining unions, respectively.

The year in FSA began with our advocacy for health and safety and it ends with our negotiation of a new collective agreement. The latter started with research in 2021 continues into 2023.

The FSA wishes our members and the wider community a happy holiday season!

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