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    Labour Day 2024 – Together in Solidarity

    Labour Day 2024 – Together in Solidarity

    The 2024 Metro Vancouver Labour Day Celebration (including free food, live music, and games) will be co-hosted by the Vancouver & District Labour Council and the New Westminster & District Labour Council, September 2, 2024, 11:00am – 3:00pm at Edmonds Park, 7433 Humphries Ave in Burnaby.

    In Canada, Labour Day was established as a federal holiday in response to the emerging solidarity and militancy of the labour movement. It was a recognition, of sorts, that workers were (and remain) at the center of modern life, without whom no education, industrial production, healthcare, shipping, etc. could occur—though the meaning of Labour Day has been contested in the time since.

    On this Labour Day, 130 years from Canada’s first, as the FSA prepares for our twentieth round of bargaining with the employer, we’re reminded again of the power of sticking together—a coincidental theme of our Fall Voice newsletter. From member educational opportunities to bargaining priorities and standing up against cuts, we see in this semester’s Voice issue that being part of the FSA means being involved in a union that strives to benefit the individual member and our BCIT community.

    Our Collective Agreement Committee (CAC) will soon begin the process of turning member input, gathered over the spring and summer, into our bargaining survey, which we’ll deliver to members later in the fall. If you haven’t spoken with an FSA representative about what you’d like to see in the next contract, please email your Member Engagement Officer now.

    For now, we wish all our members and working people everywhere a happy Labour Day.

    In solidarity.

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