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FSA & Institute Committees

FSA Committees and Caucuses

FSA members sit on joint committees with the employer such as those overseeing occupational health & safety, management selection, and professional development. Our members also inform union policy and direction through their work on our three internal caucuses. FSA Members on joint committees are appointed by the FSA Board; the caucuses are self-selecting.

Please reach out to your Member Engagement Officer to represent the FSA. Where available, Committee meeting minutes may be accessed here.

FSA Members on these committees are appointed by the FSA board except for the caucuses which are self-selecting.

Bargaining Committee

The Bargaining Committee, or Team, is struck for each round of bargaining with BCIT. The terms of reference are under FSA policies.

Collective Agreement Committee

The Collective Agreement Committee (CAC) is struck by the FSA in the lead up to each round of bargaining. The terms of reference for the committee fall under FSA policies.

Caucus for Applied Research and Advanced Studies (CARAS)

The Caucus for Applied Research and Advanced Studies (CARAS) is a consultative body within the FSA, providing leadership in defining the vision for, and value of, applied research and advanced studies at BCIT. CARAS facilitates FSA member participation in decisions regarding applied research and advanced studies, allowing participants to work together to articulate their interests to the FSA and employer through various means. Participation in CARAS is open to all interested FSA members. CARAS Terms of Reference (PDF), approved Feb 17, 2016.

Caucus on Part-Time Studies (COPTS)

COPTS is a consultative body within the FSA, which incorporates members in PTS into its work. The Caucus also facilitates enhanced union participation by members in PTS and allows participants to work together to articulate their interests to the FSA, BCIT, and other stakeholders who influence Part-Time Studies, now Flexible Learning. Participation in COPTS is open to all FSA members interested in bettering the working conditions of our members in PTS. COPTS Terms of Reference, approved August 30, 2017.

Equity Caucus (EC)

The Equity Caucus is a consultative body within the FSA, which is committed to securing equity for members of marginalized groups disproportionately excluded from full participation in both the FSA and BCIT. The goal of the Caucus is to achieve inclusiveness and social and economic justice through recognition, respect, numerical representation, accountability, responsibility, and the development of balanced, healthy, and harmonious working environments. Participation in the Equity Caucus is open to all interested FSA members who share the goal of creating a more equitable Union and institute. Equity Caucus Terms of Reference (PDF), approved June 6, 2018.

Investment Committee

This committee is subject to the terms of FSA Policy 3.1.6.

Internal Audit Committee

This committee is subject to the terms of FSA Policy 3.1.10.

FSA-CUPE Bargaining Committee

This committee is struck by the FSA Board prior to each round of bargaining with its CUPE-unionized staff. The committee is subject to the terms of FSA policy 3.2.2

Leaves Committees 

PD Leaves Committee - Academic Studies (Article 10.5.2)

Regular Faculty in the School of Computing and Academic Studies may sit on this committee, except for Faculty in Computing who are served by the Engineering PD Committee. The committee assesses proposals against Article 10.5.4 (Assessment Criteria) and funding is awarded to applications that satisfy Article 10.5.3 (Eligibility, General Criteria and Requirements), providing sufficient funds are available. Meetings occur approximately twice a year.

PD Leaves Committee - Business (Article 10.5.2)

Regular Faculty in the School of Business may sit on this committee. The committee assesses proposals against Article 10.5.4 (Assessment Criteria) and funding is awarded to applications that satisfy Article 10.5.3 (Eligibility, General Criteria and Requirements), providing sufficient funds are available. Meetings occur approximately twice a year.

PD Leaves Committee - Engineering, Electronics, and Computing Studies (Article 10.5.2)

Regular Faculty in Computer Studies (SCAS), the School of Construction and the Environment, and The School of Energy may sit on this committee. The committee assesses proposals against Article 10.5.4 (Assessment Criteria) and funding is awarded to applications that satisfy Article 10.5.3 (Eligibility, General Criteria and Requirements), providing sufficient funds are available. Meetings occur approximately three times a year.

PD Leaves Committee - Health (Article 10.5.2)

Regular Faculty in the School of Health may sit on this committee. The committee assesses proposals against Article 10.5.4 (Assessment Criteria) and funding is awarded to applications that satisfy Article 10.5.3 (Eligibility, General Criteria and Requirements), providing sufficient funds are available. Meetings occur approximately three times annually.

PD Leaves Committee - Super PD (Article 10.5.2)

Regular Specialized Faculty, Assistant Instructors & Technical Staff across the Institute in one of the above classifications may sit on this committee. The committee assesses proposals against Article 10.5.4 (Assessment Criteria) and funding is awarded to applications that satisfy Article 10.5.3 (Eligibility, General Criteria and Requirements), providing sufficient funds are available. Meetings occur approximately once a year.

Joint Committees

The FSA appoints members to joint committees with the employer, mandated by provincial labour regulations and the FSA-BCIT Collective Agreement. Membership on these committees is by FSA appointment (President or Board) unless otherwise stated. If you’re interested in sitting on a joint committee, please contact us.

Health & Safety

Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committees (JOHSCs) – BBY/CARI/DTC
The FSA appoints members to sit on the following Burnaby Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees. These are committees of employee and employer representatives who meet monthly to discuss and make recommendations regarding occupational health & safety topics affecting the workplace.

Other Joint Committees 

Institute-wide Placement Committee (Article 11.1)

This committee is responsible for recommending alterations to the criteria for initial placements, action on employee advancements, action on applications and appeals about placement or advancement on the salary scales, and action on AI and Tech staff promotion to faculty. The committee meets approximately 4 times a year. Please read Article 11.1 of the Collective Agreement for more details.

Instructional Development Committee (Article 10.2.4)

Faculty and Assistant Instructors may sit on this committee. The committee manages and directs funds in support of instructional development activities that relate to the improvement of teaching and learning. The committee meets twice a year and regularly liaises via e-mail to vote on grant applications that arrive on an ongoing basis. Please also refer to Article 10.2 of the Collective Agreement for more information.

ITS Reclassification Committee (Memags 15FSA22 and 08FSA26)

This committee assesses applications for reclassification from members within the ITS Department and meets approximately 3 – 4 times per year.

Joint Benefits Review Committee (Article 16.13)

The Joint Benefits Review Committee reviews benefit plans including extended health, dental, group life, accidental death & dismemberment, long-term disability, employer & family assistance, and any other benefit plans agreed to by the FSA and the employer.

Joint Labour Management Committee (Article 2.2)

The Joint Labour Management Committee includes representatives from the Union and BCIT that meet regularly to discuss matters of concern to either party.

Performance Development System (PDS) Steering Committee (Article 13)
Makes decisions on recommended changes to the Performance Development System (Article 13). The committee meets approximately 6 times a year—every second month. The PDS Steering Committee is actively seeking interested FSA members to participate.

Rehabilitation Committee (Article 9.3.10)

This joint committee, made up of FSA and management appointees, reviews short and long-term disability reports, making recommendations to the employer regarding accommodations and working with employees on graduated return-to-work plans.

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