
Member Portal

    • 29 FEB 24
    • 0
    Policy 5401 Request: Send us a Copy of your Response

    Policy 5401 Request: Send us a Copy of your Response

    Thank you to the many Departments that wrote to Education Council (EdCo) in response to the employer’s proposed changes to Policy 5401. The FSA is collecting member responses to the policy, and we would like to see yours. If you did not ‘cc’ or ‘bcc’ the FSA on your Department’s response, or if you have recently

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    • 16 FEB 24
    • 0

    ISEP Cancellation “Paused”

    The FSA is happy to share that, following BCIT’s decision to withdraw the recommended cancellation of the PELD program in January, we were informed this week that the proposed cancellation of the International Student Entry Program (ISEP) has been put on hold indefinitely. BCIT has cited the recent Federal announcement limiting international student enrollment as

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    • 02 FEB 24
    • 0
    FSA’s Black History Month Reading List

    FSA’s Black History Month Reading List

    In 2023, FSA staff solicited reading suggestions to honour Black Excellence Day and Black History Month. Below is a book list that’s come from your suggestions, which we will update as more arrive in our inbox. Thanks for all of your engagement and keep those suggestions coming! Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. Classic novel exploring

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