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Thank You Letter to FSA Members

Thank You Letter to FSA Members

June 5, 2023

Each year, the FSA funds financial awards through the BCIT Foundation to support our students on their academic journey. Below, 2023 recipient Jacob thanks our union for the donation.

The FSA bursary given to Jacob is named after Jennifer Orum and Elinor Hudon, long-time members, contributors, and supporters of the FSA. Jennifer served on the Staff Society and FSA Executive for over 25 years between 1982-2010, participating in our first strike and providing a link to the first collegial governance model at BCIT. Elinor began working at BCIT as an FSA member in MedLab in 1977, serving as a tech rep, director, VP and President throughout the 1980s and ’90s. During that time, she filled in as General Secretary (now Executive Director), steering the union ship through sometimes choppy waters. In 1996, Elinor was hired as an FSA Grievance Officer and spent 13 years as a staff member, spending a total of 33 years on-campus.

This year, we established a second endowment to provide entrance awards to FSA members’ dependents.

We pride ourselves in supporting our students and our families!

Dear Donor!

I finally have some time after a busy semester to write this letter to thank you for The BCIT Faculty and Staff Association Bursary in Honour of Jennifer Orum and Elinor Hudon bursary that I received on March 7, 2023. Thank you so much for providing me with the additional funds for my education. It is a difficult time for me financially, as I am a mature student returning to post secondary studies, and this grant helped to alleviate much of the pressure returning to school has created. Briefly, my personal story is that I am a former film worker with I.A.T.S.E Local 891 where I spent over 15 years working in the lighting department. Although I do enjoy the work, the split-shifting and long hours left me exhausted while trying to raise two children with my wife, who also works. Therefore, I have returned to school to take the Advanced Diploma in Professional Accounting with the goal of working at an accounting firm.

Once again, I greatly appreciate the funds that you provided me for my continuing studies.



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