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Policy 5401 - So, What Now?

Policy 5401 - So, What Now?

February 1, 2024

Thank you to the many members and Departments who sent feedback to Education Council (EdCo) regarding the proposed changes to Policy 5401. By responding decisively, you have made your positions clear on this important policy. This past Monday, the FSA Board of Directors sent its official response to EdCo and BCIT Leadership, summarizing key dimensions of concern and, above all, emphasizing the need for BCIT to respect your Department rights, as described in the Collective Agreement, to be consulted on educational matters. A big thank you to the members of the Policy 5401 Working Group who helped support this important initiative, and thanks to all members who participated in meetings and discussions!

What now?

BCIT ThoughtExchange

If you believe there are any takeaways from this matter that could inform BCIT’s ThoughtExchange on the next BCIT Strategic Plan, consider adding to the ThoughtExchange forum before it closes this Monday, February 5. (The link was sent out by BCIT President Jeff Zabudsky in an email January 22, and there was another reminder sent out this week.)

Department Meetings

BCIT’s obligation to consult with Departments does not end with the EdCo consultation deadline of January 31! We encourage you to organize Department meeting(s)* on this topic as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. You, the FSA Members, are the pedagogical and subject matter experts delivering education and you can drive the response to this educational issue. If you need more information and data from BCIT to support your discussions, such as data backing up BCIT’s justifications for the proposed policy changes, you can ask your manager. Hopefully, your manager will be an ally in your discussions about the feasibility, pedagogical soundness, and potential impacts of the proposed cuts to the minimum credit count for diplomas. And, if your diplomas include courses taught by other Departments (including so-called Service Departments), remember to reach out to those Departments at some point in this process.

Next Steps

The FSA continues to pursue its official response to BCIT on this matter via the FSA Labour Relations team and the FSA Board. Please follow the FSA Friday Bulletin and FSA Blog for regular updates. We want to ensure that Departments can exercise their Collective Agreement rights to be properly involved and meaningfully consulted with respect to educational matters. Therefore, the FSA is facilitating and encouraging Department consultation on these significant proposed program changes. The FSA does not want to direct Departments but rather to provide information and resources.

Important Dates

Ongoing: Arrange your Department meeting(s)

– discuss and assess the feasibility, pedagogical soundness, and potential impacts of the proposed minimum credit cuts
– send feedback to BCIT via your manager
– request information, data, and further consultation from BCIT
– keep FSA in the loop by emailing an update to [email protected]

Monitor upcoming EdCo/ Board of Governors meeting cycle:

These meetings are open to the BCIT community. Any policy change would first be voted on at EdCo and subsequently go to BOG to be voted on. Ask your School’s EdCo Rep to monitor the upcoming agendas for these meetings. You can find EdCo meeting packages here.

– February 7th EdCo / February 27th Board of Governors
– March 20th EdCo  / April 3rd BoG
– May 1st EdCo / May 28th BoG
– June 5th EdCo / June 24th BoG

End Notes

*Your immediate manager (usually the Associate Dean) is a member of your Department but other non-FSA employees are not. Your immediate manager should be invited to participate but they have no special powers or privileges when it comes to Departmental collegial decision making. They are one member and hold one vote amidst the total Department collective. The Dean is not a member of your Department, although they could be invited as a non-voting guest. Learn more about Departments and Department meetings.

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