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Launch: FSA 2021-26 Strategic Plan

Launch: FSA 2021-26 Strategic Plan

April 29, 2021

Earlier this year we shared  that we were undertaking the development of a new strategic plan for the BCIT Faculty & Staff Association (FSA). Our process began back in 2019 after we extended our previous plan to allow new staff and elected leadership an opportunity to assess our current environment and determine what might be needed in the years ahead.

And then the pandemic hit.

After adjusting to remote work and with our new Executive Director solidly in place, we decided to forge ahead. We embarked on a process to build on the work conducted by the board of directors in 2019 and we reached out to members to create a plan to guide us in the coming years.

strategic plan

In developing the plan, we:

This plan could not have been built without the input we received. We compiled the feedback and got down to the challenging task of synthesizing the information into a refreshed vision, mission, and values as well as four priority areas with related goals and objectives. We were guided in this work by the capable facilitation of JP Baker (Vantage Point) and we are so pleased with our new five-year plan which reflects our “DNA”, or our “RNA”, Representation, Negotiation, Advocacy!

Check out the full strategic plan!

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