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From the Archive: Reducing Workload

From the Archive: Reducing Workload

May 5, 2023

Out of the FSA Archive, Labour Relations Representatives George Talbott, Kristie Starr, and Andrea Matthews discuss disputing inequitable workloading and how to rectify the problem. Originally published in our January 2022 Voice newsletter.  

When you realize that you have too much to do, more than ever, and excess caffeine and skipping meals (we do not recommend skipping meals!) are not helping, what is to be done?

Invoke a workload dispute! Embedded in the Collective Agreement, this right is available to teaching (Article 8.8) and non-teaching Department members (Article 8.9).

A dispute may be started by one member, or a group of Department members. A dispute follows a chain of ever-increasing formality:

The entire process may be completed in less than a month.

This is a process driven by FSA members, the FSA staff cannot invoke these dispute mechanisms but we are available to provide advice. Each Department should be reviewing and, if necessary, using these dispute mechanisms during their regular cycle of planning (see Article 14.2 for what is including in that planning process).

Preparing a Workload Dispute

  1. Use Article 1.4.6 for Guiding Principles

It is understood that the assignments… are subject to the provisions of the Collective Agreement, and shall be made:

Refer to these principles directly in your dispute submission.

  1. Do a Gap Analysis. What changed to make the workload increase to the point of unfairness or being inequitable?
  2. Demonstrate how this change has affected workload. Have you got a record of the hours you have put in? If not, show a schedule that demonstrates obligations and duties. What does a typical week or month look like now and why is it excessive?
  3. If you are teaching faculty, review this non-exhaustive list of factors in Article 8.8.1, which the Department considers when apportioning workload:
  1. Talk to your colleagues. What have they seen regarding workload? What can each of you share? What strategies can you build together to demonstrate a workload issue? You may even reach out to other Departments that may have already dealt with similar issues.

Potential Outcomes of a Workload Dispute

Results of a workload dispute are not prescribed. The Collective Agreement though may not be violated and the strategic objectives set by managers (see Article 14.1) are not to be transgressed.

Rebalancing workload among team members is one potential result. Departments may give extra weight to certain tasks; for example, a member has never run a report off of a new computer system and needs extra time to accomplish it. Or a Department might agree to shift vacation or month-free-of-teaching calendars to help balance workload and breaks.

Disputing workload encourages managers to dialogue and consider ideas they may otherwise reject. Reallocating budget, for example, could result in posting a temporary job to alleviate a transitory increase in work. In the final analysis invoking the workload dispute mechanism will not guarantee change, but it will guarantee you a collegial forum through which to express your concerns.

If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact the FSA: [email protected].

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