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Burnaby Campus Parking Update

Burnaby Campus Parking Update

October 19, 2023

Updated October 22, 2023

BCIT’s message to FSA members about parking, sent on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, is the latest in a series of chain reactions set off by the employer’s unwillingness to respect the need for our Union’s agreement to any changes to parking regulations and policies.  BCIT has returned to designated FSA parking lots because they would accept no other proposed alternative unless we gave up our existing Collective Agreement veto right. If we had conceded this language change to the employer, they would have acquired the ability to individually change any element of parking regulations or policy in future without our agreement.

Below outlines the series of events which led to the current situation.

As you may know, parking for FSA members is governed by Article 7.8 of the Collective Agreement, negotiated by the FSA and the employer:

At the outset of the pandemic, the BCIT Parking Office unilaterally changed from assigned parking lots to a flexible parking model without negotiating with the FSA. As a temporary measure, the Union agreed to this change in practice, recognizing the extraordinary situation we found ourselves in. When BCIT did not return to assigned lots following the return to campus, the FSA withdrew our agreement and filed a policy grievance related to this and other changes to parking based on the employer’s failure to receive mutual agreement.

Earlier this year, an arbitrator found that the employer breached your Collective Agreement rights by changing regulations and policies without the FSA’s agreement, validating our position on the strength of the language in Article 7.8; that the FSA has a veto on all parking changes related to our members.

Member responses make it clear that there are a variety of perspectives on the best parking model for the Burnaby Campus. We acknowledge that some members prefer assigned parking lots while others prefer the flexible parking model.

Following the award, both parties made multiple good faith settlement offers to alter the parking benefit for FSA members. The Parking Office declined each FSA offer and appeared only interested in negotiating a settlement if the FSA conceded our right to mutual agreement in Article 7.8.1.

Entering the last round of bargaining with the employer, your FSA Bargaining Team was empowered by the membership to deliver a package that included “no concessions.” Furthermore, there was consensus among your elected Board of Directors and Bargaining Team that our veto power over parking regulations and policies could not be compromised unless there was an extraordinary offer by the employer for substantial benefits to our members in return for such a concession, which there was not.

We remain committed to upholding your rights and interests when it comes to parking matters and will continue to advocate for the best possible outcome on your behalf.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement.

FSA Board of Directors
FSA Bargaining Team

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