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Nominees: FSA Elections 2021

Nominees: FSA Elections 2021

April 9, 2021

Nominations Received

  • Nominations were accepted from March 3rd until April 6th
    • To see the full election timeline for 2021 please click here.
  • We received five (5) nominations for five (5) Director-at-Large positions – These will be acclaimed as per our by-laws
  • We received one (1) nomination for one (1) Treasurer position – This will be acclaimed as per our by-laws
  • We received two (2) nominations for two (2) Director, Associate Members positions – These will be acclaimed as per our by-laws

No vote will take place for the 2021 FSA elections as the number of nominees is equivalent to the number of positions. Questions can be directed to the Chief Returning Officer, Soizic Wadge through [email protected].

Meet the Members!

Please take the time to read over the candidate statements submitted.

Statements below are those of the individual nominees and do not represent official positions of the FSA. The are posted as submitted by the nominees. 

Nominees: Directors-at-Large

Five (5) nominees for five (5) positions. The nominees will be acclaimed as per our by-laws.

Trish Albino Headshot

Trish Albino

As a proud BCIT alumna, the institution holds a very special place in my heart. I was overjoyed when I was asked to join the Faculty in 2016. Now I am honored to be nominated as a Director at Large for the FSA by my colleague, Terry Gordon.

Prior to joining BCIT, I was an Audit Manager at one of Canada’s largest public accounting firms. This background has allowed me to be a member of the FSA’s Audit Committee for the last two years. The committee’s role is to independently review the FSA’s financial statements, meet with the auditors and ultimately make a recommendation to the Board of Directors to approve the annual financial statements. As a CPA, CA, I believe I can further assist the Board of Directors with fulfilling its financial stewardship responsibilities.

Since I joined BCIT, I have taught various accounting courses in full-time and part-time studies. Given this experience, I believe I can be a strong advocate for both full-time and part-time teaching faculty. Two of my top priorities are advocating for a safe return to campus in September for all FSA members and improving the pay and benefits for part-time studies instructors. These are just a few of the many challenges the FSA is currently facing.

I intend to get involved in the collective bargaining process. While I lack experience in this area, one thing I have learned about myself throughout my education and career, is that I am an eager and quick learner. I believe I can make a positive contribution to the bargaining process.

I have been involved in other aspects of the BCIT community, such as being the Faculty Coach for the accounting teams participating in the JDC West case competition between 2016 and 2020. I also spent several years as the Faculty Advisor for the Accounting Association, one of the Student Association’s clubs.

BCIT is a great place to work. My goal, as a Director at Large is to use my voice on behalf of all FSA members and advocate for BCIT to be an outstanding place to work.

Lisa Allen Headshot

Lisa Allen

As a Faculty member in the Communication Department, I’ve had the opportunity to teach into many programs at BCIT—Marketing Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Sonography, and Computer Systems Technology, to name a few. Working across our institution with many different departments, I’m aware of the diversity within the FSA membership. It’s important that your FSA Board of Directors understands the challenges and issues that all of our colleagues face.

Being passionate about equity and fairness at work, I am already a member of the BCIT FSA’s COPTS Committee (focusing specifically on PTS faculty, their inclusion, and removing barriers) and the BC Federation of Labour’s Political Action Committee (where I represent the BCIT FSA and collaborate with other unions and associations across the province).

Prior to being hired as a regularized faculty member in the Communication department at BCIT, I worked in precarious instructional positions at multiple institutions for many years. I understand, first hand, the challenges that come with being a temporary or part-time employee.

Next month, I’ll be graduating from UBC with my doctorate and have written my dissertation on precarious faculty in higher education in British Columbia. My research, as well as my experience as a (former) precarious and (current) regular faculty member, both at BCIT and other institutions, has positioned me well to represent and advocate for the diverse needs of the FSA membership.

It would be an honour and privilege to represent you—my FSA colleagues—on the BCIT Board of Directors as a Director-at-large.

Michelle Beauchamp Headshot

Michelle Beauchamp

I have worked at BCIT for almost 20 years in the Medical Radiography Program; first as an assistant instructor and then as a full fledged instructor, teaching multiple courses within the program. During that time, I completed my Master of Education degree at SFU focusing on curriculum and development. Currently I am a sitting member of the Decision Review Board at BCIT.

I have been serving the membership as a Tech Rep since 2011 and feel it is time to get involved even more with my union.

I am grateful for the opportunities that I have been provided by the FSA collective agreement and wish to help protect the gains we have made through the years. I would like to help advance the employment interests of our membership, especially in the area of wage equity for our members compared to that of our industry counterparts. As a board member, I would work to help activate our newly created strategic plan. I am willing to sit on any committees that may benefit from my inclusion.

Please consider my willingness to sit on the FSA Board of Directors as an indication of the hard work I am willing to undertake in service to all of my fellow FSA members.

William Oching Headshot

William Oching

Work history: I started work at BCIT in 2015 as a Faculty member in the Mining and Mineral Exploration Department and involved in the establishment of the accredited Bachelor of Engineering in Mining and Mineral Resources Program. In the course of my service at BCIT, I developed and instructed several courses till the present date. Currently, I also serve as the Program Quality Assurance Coordinator to ensure that the Mining and Mineral Resources Program meets the highest standards of engineering education set by Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. I also sits at the Safety Committee for the School of Construction and the Environment and a member of the Curriculum committee.

Involvement with the FSA: I passionately served as a Tech Rep from September 2016 up to now, representing my department and FSA in various capacities including increasing the awareness and visibility of FSA on campus, serving as the FSA Returning Officer for 4 years, represented FSA in new hires’ selection committees, and member of Anti-Racism working group.

Involvement in the BCIT community: I Involved in engagement surveys and discussions articulating challenges facing FSA members and suggesting opportunities to improve work and learning environment for both FSA members and students. I promote BCIT through participation in professional associations and research & publication. I participated in the last three convocation ceremonies, “the Big Info” sessions and open houses at BCIT. Currently I am working with students Association to establish a local committee of the World University Service of Canada, a non-profit organization present in about 100 post secondary institutions in Canada providing education, employment and empowerment opportunities for the youth around the world.

Major issues facing the FSA: Fair employment concerns for Part-time staff including workspace, poor pay, no job security; annual salaries increase not keeping with increasing cost of living, workload and challenge of attracting and retaining of top talent.

If elected I will continue to advocate for increases in salaries/wages at least in par with inflation increases, fair treatment of our part-time colleagues such as having a pay for attending meetings & job security, increase the awareness of the important role played by FSA and engage with all FSA members through listening to their pressing challenges and ideas, and work with them to address them in a timely fashion in the best possible and practicable ways. I always advance and protect the interests of FSA members to make our work environment fair and just for all.

William Oching, MBA, P.Eng.

Judy Shandler Headshot

Judy Shandler

Hello Colleagues,

I have had the pleasure of sitting on the FSA Board for the past year and it is my honour to be asked to step up once again and put my name forward as a candidate for the FSA Board in the capacity of Director-at-Large. I’ve spent most of my life at BCIT as I’ve moved from teaching, to supporting, to Board of Governors and FSA Board Member, which I’m grateful.

In the year that I’ve sat on the Board I have gained amazing insight into how the FSA is instrumental in supporting both it’s Members, by increasing awareness and accessibility to ensure they experience the best working experience at BCIT; as well as the Institution by managing and maintaining open communication and collaboration.

As an instructor (for over 20 years), teaching both part-time and full-time courses I have become acutely aware of the opportunities, challenges, stressors, and the jubilation that comes with teaching students at such an incredible institution as BCIT. My work in IT Services has spanned from Service Desk to Business Analyst, which has allowed me to understand and work along side the heroes who support the technology needs for the institutions.

For a number of years I’ve worked 50% as the FSA Performance Development System (PDS) Coordinator, supporting Faculty, Specialized Faculty and Tech Staff in rewriting the student surveys and moving them on-line, peer reviews, manager reviews, as well as modifying review methods for Specialized Faculty and Tech Staff.

My journey with the FSA started as a Tech Rep for IT Services, which gave me great joy to support the members within my department; as well as all those members who I’ve worked with in supporting their PDS needs.

My first year on the FSA Board only wet my appetite for supporting members in whatever capacity is required. I was proud to be part of the working group that prepared and rewrote the draft of the FSA Strategic Plan that will be going to members for their approval. I am excited to be (once again) nominated for the role of Director-at-Large on the FSA Board and look forward to supporting the FSA membership on a larger scale.

Nominee: Treasurer

One (1) nominee for one (1) position. The nominee will be acclaimed as per our by-laws.

 Terry Gordon Headshot

Terry Gordon

Dear FSA Members:

I would be honoured to serve for another term as FSA Treasurer. As many of you are aware, I have a long history of service to the FSA dating back to 2006 when I was first elected to the Board of Directors. In addition to my work on the Board, I have been an active participant in the FSA’s collective bargaining work as a member of the bargaining teams for the past four rounds of bargaining.

I joined BCIT in 1998 as an Instructor in the Accounting, Finance, and Insurance Department of BCIT’s School of Business + Media. I am currently one of the Program Heads looking after the needs of our first-year students in the Accounting, Finance, and Financial Planning diploma programs. I also teach various accounting and finance related diploma and degree level courses. I am a CPA, CA, and a Chartered Business Valuator. Before coming to BCIT, I worked in public practice for a large national accounting firm. I am also a proud alumnus of the BCIT Financial Management diploma from many years back.

If I am fortunate to be chosen by you to serve another term as Treasurer, my priorities will be:
• Maintain the high level of financial stewardship that you have come to expect of the FSA Board.
• Ensure that FSA members continue to receive value-for-money for their union dues.
• Build on the gains that we made during the last round of bargaining towards improving the compensation and working conditions of our members working in part-time studies.
• Preserve and strengthen the collegial decision-making processes that have served BCIT well during its 57-year history.

As the longest serving FSA Board member, I bring a combination of institutional memory and a deep understanding of the key issues that our members care about. I am very proud of my service to the FSA and the entire BCIT community and I hope that you will select me for another term as FSA Treasurer.

Nominees: Directors, Associate Members

Two (2) nominees for two (2) positions. These nominees will be acclaimed as per our by-laws.

Sandra Amador Headshot

Sandra Amador

I am interested in participating as a Director at large with the association as I have been a member of an advisory committee for a non-profit organization in the past and had the opportunity to reviewed policies and evaluate services to clients.

As a committee we provided feedback and recommendations to the board and management to ensure the organization complied with regulations and provided the best possible services to the numerous clients that required support. We were representing the voice of the clients. In this case I see this board at FSA representing the voice of the members, I would like to advocate for the best possible options and  environment for instructors as I understand them since I have been actively enjoying my PTS instructor role since March 2019. I have seen the challenges that have been brought on by changes created by how the institution has moved the management of the business and by the student demographic flooding the classrooms in the latest years.

I see the PTS area under represented since many services are not available as much as they are during regular hours and all instructors are facing challenges with language and curriculum pre-requisites. It is also difficult to access community events as most PTS instructors hold full times jobs that conflict with the day schedules of events and activities. I know there is some work in progress related to these issues and it is important to find opportunities to encourage and support such efforts.

I find that ensuring a board is formed with varied background and expertise from its members ensures a full view and analysis of key aspects affecting the group it represents. I bring my fresh view about the instructor role and an over 25 years experience in business and quality fueled with a true passion for being a change agent. Positive change. I am a Chemical Engineer and a graduate from the BCIT Operations Management certificate. I have held roles as Manager and Director throughout my business career concentrating on Quality Assurance, Strategic planning, and Continuous Improvement.

Teaching or at my regular job, I strongly believe that people is what makes an organization thrive and I am a very firm advocate for respecting our teams and employees, members, and clients by providing the correct tools, knowledge, training, and work conditions so they can perform the tasks expected to the best of their ability. Otherwise we are just setting people up for failure and we cannot react surprised when things do not work.

I also promote full accountability, as much as we need to ensure a set of positive conditions for the work environment and recognition of resource needs and performance, we also need to ensure that members/employees understand expectations and consequences of poor and excellent performance. I see this this board’s duty as managing key messages between the members and the institution, listening and
representing the members of the association, and advocating for the best business partnership possible between the two parties.

I appreciate the opportunity to be nominated and look forward to attaining the opportunity to contribute to this board.

Thank you,
Sandra Amador

Holly Munn Headshot

Holly Munn

When I started teaching PTS at BCIT in 2017, I was simply thrilled to be teaching in my area of expertise. Over the next few years, I started to see how PTS members often struggle to get the resources and support we need and our students need.

I joined COPTS (Caucus on Part Time Studies) to try to provide feedback and help us get the benefits we deserve. In 2019, I was honoured when FSA members (like you) elected me to the board as an Associate Member. In that time, with the help of the board, we were able to start moving PTS issues forward. We advocated for the PTS review, we negotiated a new contract that included professional development for PTS members.

As a member of the Contract Academic Staff committee with CAUT (Canadian Association of University Teachers), I’ve worked to bring best practices from other institutions to BCIT.
BCIT FSA needs to continue to advocate for PTS instructors.

COVID-19 stalled many of the promised improvements to working conditions. When we move back to in-person delivery, one of the teams likely to be most affected with the least consultation are the PTS instructors and our students. I worry that much of your hard work in adapting your curriculum and putting your material online will be lost.

I understand the value and care you bring to the classroom — often feeling there is little support or respect from BCIT. If elected I will continue to advocate on our behalf.

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