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Bargaining Updates

FAQ Bargaining Survey, Round 19

FAQ Bargaining Survey, Round 19

December 3, 2021

Click here to access a PDF version of this FAQ.

When will the FSA Bargaining Survey be open?

The full survey will be open from Friday, December 3, 2021 until 11:59pm, Monday, January 3, 2022.

Who can take the survey?

The survey is open to all FSA Members. FSA members include faculty and technical staff in BCIT technology programs, Applied Research, IT Services, Learning and Technology Services, and Student Services, those employed on PTS contracts as instructors, administrators, and curriculum developers as well as markers and student employees.

Why should I take the survey?

The survey is your opportunity to anonymously contribute your voice as we prepare for bargaining. The FSA’s ability to bargain is strengthened when supported by information from its members.

Many of us have participated in surveys that seem to go nowhere or have no impact. We know this can be discouraging but we want to emphasize that the bargaining survey is one of your direct links to the bargaining process. It informs the FSA Bargaining Team to ensure that your interests are prioritized appropriately when we bargain on your behalf with BCIT. We hope you will take the time to contribute your perspectives to this process.

What is the purpose of the survey?

  • To canvass FSA members about their bargaining priorities

  • To inform the FSA Collective Agreement Committee’s preparation for bargaining

  • To act as a tool for learning more about our members

How often will this survey happen?

This is the only all-member survey planned for this round of bargaining. Depending on how bargaining moves ahead, we may come back to the membership, or segments of the membership, soliciting specific feedback.

Where and how will the survey results be shared? What will be done with the results?

The results will be reviewed by the FSA Collective Agreement Committee. A summary of results will be posted to the FSA member portal on our website, but not all results of the survey will be shared as it may compromise our positioning at the bargaining table. The Chief Negotiator may choose to release some results publicly to advance the interests of FSA members.

Will the data be shared with BCIT management?

The data may inform the development of FSA bargaining proposals, which will be presented to BCIT management at the bargaining table. Themes and summary results from the survey may be extrapolated for future use in advancing the rights of FSA members. At no point will it be necessary lift the seal of anonymity on the survey.

Are all the survey questions mandatory?

No. Some questions are mandatory because they are needed to help us analyze other responses and provide clearer direction on important matters. Any mandatory questions will be marked with an asterisk (*) in the survey tool. If you are not comfortable answering these questions, you may choose to exit the survey and none of your responses will be submitted. If you feel uncomfortable or unable to answer any optional question, you can choose to skip that question and move on to the next.

How long does it take to complete the survey?

The survey should about take 15 minutes to complete. While Survey Monkey does not offer a ‘save and complete later’ option, you can always take breaks during the survey. The best option is to finish a page and hit ‘next’ to make sure all the responses on that page are complete. No responses will be submitted until you reach the end of the survey and hit ‘done’.

How will I access the survey?

You will receive an email from Survey Monkey providing an access link on Friday, December 3, 2021. If you do not receive an email on December 3, please first check your spam folder/settings. If you still don’t have the email, you can then contact the FSA and we will ensure you are able to complete the survey.

Is the survey confidential?

Yes. You will not be required to provide your name, A#, or any other individual identifying information. There are two required questions in the work demographics section. One about type of employment and one about job classification. Both of these have answer groupings large enough to protect anonymity. The settings in Survey Monkey have been configured not to collect IP addresses in the survey results therefore increasing the confidentiality of the responses. The survey platform, Survey Monkey, also has a privacy policy for anyone who wishes to review it.

Is it possible to identify and link my responses back to me?

You will not be asked to provide your name or any individual identifying information as part of the survey. There is a possibility that you could be identified from your responses depending on the information that you choose to provide in comments/open-ended questions. We advise writing with an eye to eliminating any means of identifying yourself when you provide open-ended feedback. All survey results are subject to the FSA’s Member Privacy Policy.

On what date and time will the online survey close?

The survey will close on Monday, January 3, 2022 at 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time.

What happens next in the pre-bargaining process?

The FSA Chief Negotiator and Collective Agreement Committee will work to draft a package of proposals that will come to the membership at the FSA General Meeting on January 26, 2022.

If I have questions about the FSA survey, who should I contact?

For any questions or concerns please contact Kyla Epstein, Member Engagement Officer – [email protected] or 604.432.8569. If you do not feel comfortable contacting Kyla, you can contact Michael Conlon, Executive Director – [email protected] or 604.432.8696.

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