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Awards & Bursaries

FSA Distinguished Alumni Award (DAA) 2015

January 23, 2015

FSA Distinguished Alumni Award (DAA) 2015

Thank you to everyone who nominated a colleague – the winner will be announced soon!

The FSA Distinguished Alumni Award (DAA) is a partnership with the BCIT’s Distinguished Alumni Awards. Each year the Alumni Association selects recipients from BCIT alumni who have demonstrated achievement/leadership to receive these awards. In 2014 the FSA began to partner with the Alumni Association to present an additional DAA to an FSA member who is an alumnus of BCIT and demonstrates excellence in their work at BCIT.

Our first recipient, in 2014, of the award was Thomas Abbuhl find out more about Thomas on our blog and watch his DAA video!

We hope that you will take the time to consider who among your colleagues may be eligible and deserving of this award and nominate them today!

Timeline for the FSA DAA

  • Nominations Open (Jan 26, 2015)
  • Nominations Close (5pm, Mar 13, 2015) Extended to April 2nd!
  • Selection at FSA Board Meeting (April 15, 2015)
  • Announcement of 2015 FSA DAA recipient (April 22, 2015 @ FSA General Meeting)
  • Presentation of the award (Fall 2015, Date TBD by BCIT Alumni Association)
  • Speech by recipient to FSA membership (Oct 29, 2015 @ FSA Annual General Meeting)

We are thrilled to honour Ralph for his years of service and for his active participation as an FSA member. Ralph has served as a Tech Rep, a Director, and an active member over his career. We look forward to presenting the award to Ralph in October at the gala event. We encourage members to watch for an opportunity to nominate their co-members next year for the 3rd annual BCIT FSA Distinguished Alumni Award.

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