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Awards & Bursaries

Former FSA President is the 2016 FSA DAA Recipient

August 9, 2016

Former FSA President is the 2016

For a third year, we are partnering with BCIT and the BCIT Alumni Association for the Distinguished Alumni Awards (DAA) by honouring a BCIT alumnus who returned to the Institute as an FSA member. In January we put a call out to our members for nominations and received submissions from a number of departments. The FSA board deliberated over the nominees and we are thrilled to officially announce our selection.

Amy Headshot

When I was notified, a flood of faces rushed through my mind of everyone who has made my BCIT journey possible. There are so many special people at BCIT that make amazing contributions to this institute – I am so touched and honoured to receive this award. Thank you.

It remains an honour for me to celebrate our members with this special distinction. Our members contribute to the strength of BCIT as well as the greater community. When a BCIT alumni chooses BCIT as their employer, they bring with them an excellent education that opened doors for them to work in across BC, Canada, and globally. In opting to work at BCIT they bring that experience, knowledge, and creativity back to BCIT to share with our students and future employers. They have chosen to take their learning and apply it for the betterment of BCIT. Our members are an integral part of creating a positive and engaging educational experience for all BCIT students and Amy Fell is no exception.

Amy Fell from the School of Business has been a part of BCIT in many ways – as a student, services staff, teaching faculty, and FSA president. Amy’s contributions have made the working conditions of her colleagues, the education conditions of students, and the quality of education in BC better. Her nominator, Kevin Wainwright, had this to say about Amy:

I cannot think of another individual that exemplifies all that is the best of what BCIT is all about. She is most worthy of this award.

In every meeting Amy invites and encourages her colleagues to share their opinions and ideas.  Everything is done in a collaborative way so everyone has input. Amy has taken time to meet with all her colleagues individually to help coach them to create a personal development plan for themselves.  This included everyone creating a vision board and researching courses that would help with professional development.

Amy always takes her time to help not just in her department. She goes above and beyond to help her students, still is heavily involved with the FSA and uses her FSA President experience to assist on issues.

Additionally, we received a letter of support from Amy’s co-workers, Justine Arsenault, Sarah Weber, and Sonia Dhaliwal, in the SITE Centre and they had this to say:

As colleagues of Amy, we can see that she has a passion for her work and BCIT, which stems from her tenure as a student and employee.  We have all experienced first-hand Amy’s ability to coach, engage and be an effective leader within her team and the BCIT community.  Amy draws from her experience to help develop the SITE Centre internally within BCIT, and externally by creating new opportunities for unique student groups.

With everything Amy brings to our small team and what we see that she contributes to the BCIT community, we wholeheartedly believe Amy Fell is a deserving candidate for the FSA Distinguished Alumni Award.

As a former FSA president we are thrilled to honour Amy for her dedication, excellent communication, and positive leadership style. We look forward to presenting the award to Amy in October at the gala event. We encourage members to watch for an opportunity to nominate their co-members next year for the 4th annual BCIT FSA Distinguished Alumni Award.

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